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Commit linter

Commit CLI gif


aurora lint $GIT_REV1 $GITREV2

$GIT_REV1 is optional and default to HEAD, meaning that the 2 following commands have the same result

aurora lint master
aurora lint HEAD master


Aurora linter allows you to lint commits between 2 git revisions. A git revision can be a hash, a tag, etc. A commit is considered valid in the following cases:

  • Regex ^(revert: )?(feat|fix|docs|style|refactor|perf|test|chore|ci)(\\(.+\\))?(\\!)?: .{1,72} is matched. This is one conventionnal commit regex checker.
  • Commit is a merge commit (i.e. for now, commit message contains Merge string). This has to be improved.

Commit considered for validation are first-parent commits. Meaning the linter will not explore the inner branches while running on a particular path. I am considering changing this behavior.

Right now the suggested behavior is to run the linter in features branches besides master, e.g. aurora lint feat-branch master, in order to validate that commits merged to master will respect your commit convention (you can embed aurora in your CI pipelines).


New features which will be implemented next are:

  • configuration file support (regexes for linting, regexes for ignoring commits, indicating master branch, etc)
  • limit commits analysed with a CLI flag (e.g. aurora lint HEAD master --limit 100)


See some use cases below

# Lint commits between HEAD and master
aurora lint HEAD master

# Lint commits until v0.1.0 tag
aurora lint HEAD v0.1.0

# Lint commits made into feat-my-new-feature branch until it diverges from master
aurora lint feat-my-new-feature master

# Lint commits between 2 commits
aurora lint eb8a923 700dcec