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Release tool

Aurora allows you to create automated releases.


aurora release

The aurora release command accept 3 subcommands

Create a new release

  aurora release [command]

Available Commands:
  fix         Fix release
  major       Major release
  minor       Minor release


Aurora helps you creating release automatically. The only prerequisite is that your git repository SHOULD have a VERSION file located at its root, containing a version under the form vX.X.X. Where X represent an integer number greater or equal to 0. For now, we don't support extend types, such as v1.2.3-beta, etc.

# Supported

# Not Supported 

Basically, when running a release process with aurora, the CLI will:

  • Read the current version from the VERSION file in your repo
  • Increment your version to the next one dependening on the command (see next section for the algorithm)
  • Save the new version file
  • Commit this update in a release commit with the following commit message: chore: release ${VERSION} (with, ${VERSION} the new computed version number, eg v1.2.3)
  • Tag this release commit with the new computed version number

You will just have to push the last commit and the last tag with git push && git push --tags.


The 3 aurora subcommands are fix, minor, major and references each number of the version:

  \ \ \---- fix
   \ \----- minor
    \------ major

Each call to either fix, minor or major will increment the version number to the next suitable version. For example:

v1.2.3 ----> aurora release fix   ----> v1.2.4
v1.2.3 ----> aurora release minor ----> v1.3.0
v1.2.3 ----> aurora release major ----> v2.0.0